From my ten years of experience
in the profession, I know that the architect's help is needed at an early stage of the investment, often even before buying a plot of land. That's why I offer a number of studies and services to help you make the right decisions at the difficult initial stage of the investment.
The core of my business is architectural design. I offer a full range of design documentation, from conceptual studies and visualization, through executive and details drawings, to tender documents containing specifications and cost estimates.
As an extension of the design work I offer a number of analytical studies related mainly to the issues of energy conservation and environmental impact of the building.
For existing buildings, I offer analysis of potential energy savings and possibilities to reduce maintenance costs.
In the complex reality of today, architecture must provide answers to current problems in a multifaceted way, taking into account ecological, social and economic aspects, giving integrated spatial and technical solutions capable of withstanding the dynamic changes to which contemporary space is subjected.
Regardless of the context of the project, whether it is a natural landscape, the historical fabric of the city or the local community, the design process is a search for relationships and links that exist in the given space. The result of this process is to shape new elements in such a way that they complement and thus continue the structure of the space.
The slogan repeated to boredom is unfortunately still more of a theory than a practice, especially in the construction sector, which consumes the most energy. That is why I take ecological aspects into account in every decision I make.